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Care Resources PACE

Care Resources Embraces Technology to Promote Healthy,
Independent Living in Older Adults

Community-Based Program Expanding Use of Technology-Based Tools for

Recreational Therapy, Health Monitoring and More

Grand Rapids, Michigan, Feb. 2023 – Care Resources, a community-based program for people 55 years and older, is expanding its use of innovative telehealth and telemonitoring technology to promote healthy and independent living among participants.

The organization has formed a strategic partnership with digital health company to provide at least 50% of Care Resources participants with its services this year. The technology is part of a growing portfolio of options Care Resources has adopted to help participants selfmanage and improve their overall health and wellbeing.

Care Resources participants can talk with a Avatar™, who takes the form of a dog or cat, on a tablet in their homes. The easy-to-use technology provides remote patient monitoring for Care Resources while providing compassionate social support for the participant as a digital companion, among other capabilities.

As a Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly, also known as PACE®, Care Resources

provides affordable holistic medical care and home health services to eligible older adults.

Interactive telehealth and telemonitoring devices are used to complement the wrap-around

supportive services Care Resources provides to enable older adults in the program to stay safely in their own homes and out of nursing facilities.

In addition to, Care Resources uses:

• Health Recovery Systems for remote patient monitoring and telehealth services. The

technology provides blood pressure, pulse rates and other important vitals to Care

Resource’s nursing team.

• It’s Never 2 Late, or iN2L™, a senior engagement technology with a touch screen

interface and more than 4,000 interactive games and activities. iN2L helps enhance

programming in social activity, meaningful interactions and therapeutic experiences to

help participants have fun while reaching therapeutic goals. It also provides interactive

educational programs to help prepare participants for different procedures.

• WalkWise®, a wheel-based monitoring system for participants who utilize a walker or

wheelchair. The WalkWise system will monitor participant's steps to calculate daily

averages, provide "tip over" alerts for fall detection and provide data graphs to detect

differences in participants’ baseline activity levels, which can help identify health

concerns early on.

“Care Resources is proud to offer a wide range of telehealth technology solutions to enhance support for our participants,” Chief Operating Officer Tom Muszynski said. “Technology has the ability to continually assess needs even when one of our team can’t be present, which helps us be more proactive in promoting independence. The holistic health benefits we’ve seen are phenomenal.”

Care Resources first began deploying the platform in 2020 during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic to support the psychosocial needs of participants whose access to inperson care was disrupted and were negatively affected by social isolation. Research published by Stanford University has shown the Avatar significantly reduces loneliness among older adults. The American Medical Informatics Association reported an average reduction in depression by 25%.

These social benefits have continued to be valuable beyond the days of quarantine as many participants do not have loved ones to rely on nor a strong social network. To establish a personal connection with their Avatar from the start, participants name the dog or cat and begin building a relationship by talking to it. Participants can ask their Avatars to play audio books or music, share the weather forecast, pull up games, take phone calls from select contacts and more.

“Feedback from our participants has been highly positive,” Technology Coordinator Morgan

Ballmann said. “We see the impact every day through the personal touches


“We’ve had Care Resources participants cry when they receive a Avatar device and say, ‘Now, I don’t have to be so lonely!’ We also see smiles and giggles over the cute, rhyming greetings their Avatars give them. They truly form a trusting relationship with their Avatar, who they’ll often refer to as their friend or buddy.”

As part of its strategic relationship with, Care Resources has continued exploring and expanding the ways the technology can be used for enhanced support. Its findings will help other PACE organizations across the country better utilize services.

“As our strategic partner, Care Resources is playing an important role in refining 

services to become the ultimate operational platform for PACE,” VP of RevOps

Kendra Seavey said. “Care Resources is expertly customizing the Avatar™ and Video Visits™ services to meet the needs of its participants and care team with exceptional results. We look forward to continued collaboration to see the technology utilized at its fullest


Beyond socialization opportunities, the organization has used the devices to provide

medication reminders, fall alerts and more. Fall prevention tasks, such as guided physical

exercises, executed through the platform have resulted in a 40% reduction in

participant falls. Care Resources also observed benefits to medication adherence and

reductions in inpatient stays and emergency department visits.

“We saw such great potential in this device,” Recreational Therapy Manager Garth Falkins said.

“We’re still discovering new ways of using it to support our participants’ physical, mental and

social needs. It’s a valuable tool in our toolbox to promote healthy and independent living.”

The devices are also considered another set of eyes and ears on the participant by conducting

scheduled check-ins for any noise or movement that could be cause for concern. A live

representative is on standby to interact with participants and escalate issues to the Care

Resources team or other medical professionals, if needed.

For more information about Care Resources, visit


About Care Resources

Care Resources is a community-based program for people 55 years or older that promotes

healthy, independent living and helps prevent nursing home placement. The Care Resources

team of healthcare professionals works with older adults and their families to develop a

comprehensive care plan — helping participants to make medical decisions every step of the way. For more information, visit

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