About Us
care.coach is a digital health company
care.coach™ is a company on a mission to empower individuals and caregivers with technology and compassion. We’ve raised over $10 million in funding from US Congress, NIH (NINR, NIA, and NCI), and investors including StartUp Health, AARP, and a publicly traded Medicare Advantage (MA) insurer. Current customers include Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) health plan sites nationally, state Medicaid programs, and consumers. The full care.coach platform ingests insurer member and claims data and produces improved member experience, improved quality measures, and reduced cost of care.
Some of Our Recognition, Collaboration, and Certifications
World's Best Digital Health Companies 2024 from Newsweek
AgeTech Collaborative from AARP Portfolio Company Affiliate
AICPA SOC-2 Type 2 Certified from Johanson Group
Validated Outcomes
Average reduction in depression scores as measured by PHQ-9
Rate of Falls
Reduction in Falls within a Michigan PACE population over 6 months
ED Visits
Reduction in population annual ED visits over six months
Home Visits/Mo./Avatar
Average reduction in required home care visits due to self-care & monitoring
Less Loneliness
Creater reduction in UCLA-LS score than daily nurse student visits(p<0.01)
Founder's Story
Victor Wang was conducting graduate research at MIT, working on telerobotics for NASA’s space program, where astronauts control robotic arms on shuttles. While researching, he discovered that loneliness and social isolation significantly impacted astronaut performance. At the same time, his grandmother in Taiwan was living alone and struggling with loneliness, making it difficult for her to stay motivated during her recovery from a fall.
This realization sparked the idea that his expertise in robotics could extend beyond space exploration and help address isolation in senior care. After completing his Master’s degree, Victor put his PhD on hold to focus on leveraging technology to transform senior care and improve the lives of people like his grandmother.